Friday, January 29, 2021

Winter Wonderland

Hi folks, Jon Wennstrom here! As much as I complain about the cold temperatures, I do love seeing the snow and experiencing the beautiful Michigan winters. Please remember that if the temperature is above 15 degrees, we do go outside for a short recess every day. Students need to have snow gear that includes boots, winter coats, snow pants, hats and gloves. If you need assistance obtaining winter gear, please reach out to us in the office and we will be happy to assist. We want ALL of our students to enjoy the winter wonderland!


Friday, February 5: Livonia Virtual Material Pick Up in the Gym 3:00-4:00 PM

Tuesday, February 9: Winter Field Day Activities (Weather Permitting)
Friday, February 12: Picture Retakes 9:00-11:00 AM (Both F2F students & LV students)

Monday, February 15 & Tuesday, February 16: No School for Mid Winter Break
Buchanan is planning a Winter Field Day for our students in February! Our PE teacher, Mrs. Berg-Grant is organizing stations for students to participate in fun activities. Students will only be with their classmates and each station will be 12 minutes long. This should be a fun and safe activity for our students to enjoy. More details will be coming soon!


  • Yearbooks: If you would like a yearbook for this school year, please place your order at (Yearbook ID: 1643321) by Friday, April 9. 
  • Photos for Yearbook: If you have photographs from this school year that you would like to be considered for inclusion in the yearbook, please email them to It is going to be a challenge to fill the yearbook this year, so we would love any school-related photos (e.g., first day of school, at-home learning set up, bus stop, walking to school, posing with assignments/projects, students dressed up for special theme days, etc.).
  • PTA Membership: Please consider becoming a PTA member! Membership does not require anything from you other than the $7.00 membership fee, but it gives you a voice in decisions affecting our school, staff, and students and shows your support for our school, staff, and students. Purchase your membership here:
  • Follow the PTA on Facebook: @BuchananElementarySchoolPTA
  • Next PTA Meeting: Tuesday, March 23

Families can still register for weekly food pick up through Blessings in a Backpack! If you are interested in signing up, please use this link to register: Blessings in a Backpack Link

In keeping with our no sharing of items protocols, we will not be exchanging valentine's this year. However, classrooms will still have activities and just as we did for Halloween, the PTA will be providing individual treats and drinks for all students on Friday, February 12. More information will come from classroom teachers as the date approaches. 

CONGRATULATIONS to our Students of the Month for the theme of GRIT!!

KINDERGARTEN                                                FIRST GRADE
Mrs. Stromberg - Joanna L.                                    Mrs. Jones - Jack C.
Ms. Haapala - Theo C.                                            Mrs. Hurula - Molly T.
Mrs. Pillai - Charlotte T.                                         Mrs. Hochkins - Eden G.
Mrs. McGuigan - Violet H.                                    Mrs. Kamin - Mitchell F.
                                                                                Mrs. Sparrow - Mason S.

SECOND GRADE                                                THIRD GRADE
Mrs. Gruenewald - Nadia C.                                 Mrs. Allmayer - Declan O.
Mrs. Benson -  Riley R.                                        Mrs. Duff - Patrick K.
Ms. Adams - Dahlia W.                                         Ms. Yost - Jack H.
Mrs. Tanner - Ashley L.B.                                     Mrs. Trantham - Ben C.
Mrs. Drolet - Payson H.                                         Mrs. Edwards - Brady S. 

Mrs. Ringler - Sefora R. 
Mrs. Banter - Landon T.
Ms. Kaufman - Brad K
Miss Brown - Audrijana K
Ms. Medellin - Quinn R. 

Friday, January 22, 2021


Hi folks, Jon Wennstrom here! This week we celebrated the 80th day of school and as always, our 2nd grade team had a totally RAD time by dressing up in retro style! Sadly, I have discovered that all I need to do for 80's day now is to reach into my own closet! :) We are so happy to have our students back for in person instruction and I'm very proud of our Livonia Virtual team for keeping the high quality and consistent instruction that our online learners need.  Great things are happening at Buchanan! 

Picture Retake/Makeup Day is scheduled for Friday, February 12, 2021 from 9:15 AM - 11:00  AM for students who missed picture day or would like to have their picture retaken. 

To place an order for pictures, please visit and enter this Picture Day ID: EVTPQSXG4


  • PTA Meeting: Please join us on Tuesday, January 26 at 7:00pm for our January PTA meeting. Zoom info below:


            Meeting ID: 882 9782 1195

            Passcode: 0JgcSW 

  • Yearbooks: If you would like a yearbook for this school year, please place your order at (Yearbook ID: 1643321) by Friday, April 9. 
  • Photos for Yearbook: If you have photographs from this school year that you would like to be considered for inclusion in the yearbook, please email them to It is going to be a challenge to fill the yearbook this year, so we would love any school-related photos (e.g., first day of school, at-home learning set up, bus stop, walking to school, posing with assignments/projects, students dressed up for special theme days, etc.).
  • PTA Membership: Please consider becoming a PTA member! Membership does not require anything from you other than the $7.00 membership fee, but it gives you a voice in decisions affecting our school, staff, and students and shows your support for our school, staff, and students. Purchase your membership here:
  • Follow the PTA on Facebook: @BuchananElementarySchoolPTA
  • Next PTA Meeting: Tuesday, January 26

We are proud to announce that Buchanan 2nd grade teacher Mrs. Drolet was the recipient of the MEEMIC classroom PPE kit!! 👏🏼

Friday, January 15, 2021

Serving Others

Hi folks, Jon Wennstrom here! As we prepare for Martin Luther King Jr. Day next week, I wanted to share one of my favorite quotes from him "Everybody can be great...because anyone can serve." What a great reminder that our true purpose is to help and serve one another. That's what I love most about teachers, they dedicate their lives to serving our students and helping to make their dreams come true. I hope you enjoy the long weekend as we observe the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. on Monday and I look forward to seeing the students when classes resume on Tuesday!


  • Monday, January 18: No School for MLK Day
  • Tuesday, January 26: PTA (virtual) 7:00 PM
  • Friday, February 12: Picture Retakes in the morning 9:00-11:00 AM (for LV too)
  • Monday, February 15 & Tuesday, February 16: No School for Mid Winter Break
Our second window for iReady Diagnostic will begin this week. Please be sure that students who have checked out Chromebooks bring them to school each day fully charged!!  We need every device available for testing.  Teachers will be sending out specific testing days for their students.

If your child is buying hot lunch, be sure to pay using our online payment center or you may send in check or cash with your child. Thank you! 


  • Reflections Winners: Congratulations to two of our Buchanan Bears for moving on to the state level in the PTSA Reflections Art Contest. Drake Buday (4th grade) won an Award of Merit in the Photography category, and Nina McCormick (kindergarten) won an Award of Excellence in the Visual Arts category. Great job, Drake and Nina!
  • Youth Making a Difference: Youth Making a Difference is a Livonia PTSA Council program that encourages and recognizes volunteer efforts by LPS students. In the past students have visited senior citizens, helped collect money for local organizations, shoveled snow for a neighbor, etc. Though this year's activities may look a little different, we are still encouraging Buchanan students to get involved safely. Please see the list of COVID-safe projects provided by Livonia PTSA Council for ideas (attached to Mr. Wennstrom's email). Students who participate will be recognized in a ceremony in April. If your student would like to participate, please complete the Commitment Form (attached to Mr. Wennstrom's email) and email it to by January 22.
  • Yearbooks: If you would like a yearbook for this school year, please place your order at (Yearbook ID: 1643321) by Friday, April 9. 
  • Photos for Yearbook: If you have photographs from this school year that you would like to be considered for inclusion in the yearbook, please email them to It is going to be a challenge to fill the yearbook this year, so we would love any school-related photos (e.g., first day of school, at-home learning set up, bus stop, walking to school, posing with assignments/projects, students dressed up for special theme days, etc.).
  • PTA Membership: Please consider becoming a PTA member! Membership does not require anything from you other than the $7.00 membership fee, but it gives you a voice in decisions affecting our school, staff, and students and shows your support for our school, staff, and students. Purchase your membership here:
  • Follow the PTA on Facebook: @BuchananElementarySchoolPTA
  • Next PTA Meeting: Tuesday, January 26


Please remember that the school doors do not open until 8:55 AM. Students should remain in the car with parents until that time. When the doors open, students will be guided to their classrooms. We are trying to prevent student congregating outside and eliminating line ups of students. Thank you for your assistance in keeping our students safe! 

Friday, January 8, 2021

Return to Face to Face

Hi folks, Jon Wennstrom here! I'm excited to have our Face to Face students return on Monday, January 11. Please see the video that was shared earlier this week regarding our schedule and procedures and also the notes highlighting our return to in person instruction protocols.

Arrival & Dismissal: School begins at 9:10 AM and students may not enter the building before 8:55 AM. Beginning at 8:55, parents may drop students off using our curbside drop off in front of the gym or you may park and walk your child to the building, but not into the building. We will have a “soft start”, meaning students may enter the building when they arrive and go directly to the room (no line ups outside). Staff members will be at all entrances to assist students to get to their classrooms. 

School dismisses at 3:25 PM and students getting picked up will be dismissed from the classroom exterior door (please see note from your teacher regarding your classroom number). Those riding the bus will be called to their exits when their busses arrive.  Again, staff will help supervise student dismissal. 

Lunch, Snacks & Recess: All Kindergarten, 2nd grade and 4th grade students will eat lunch from 12:00-12:35 and 1st and 3rd will have lunch from 12:35-1:10.  Kindergarten will eat in the cafeteria and all other grades will eat in their classroom at their desks. Students will still have snacks each morning at their desks and all students are encouraged to bring water bottles as the drinking fountains are closed down. Students will have a short recess each day with their classroom each day along with opportunities for outdoor mask breaks. Masks are not required outside. 

Safety Protocols: Masks will be required for all students and staff while inside the building. No large gatherings will take place and students will be spaced out in class and in hallways at all times. Visitors and Volunteers will not be allowed in the school building and parents picking up early or dropping items off, must remain in the secure vestibule while students are called down and items will be taken down to the classroom by staff. 

All students and families should utilize the screener that the district recently sent out each morning to check for Covid Symptoms. Students exhibiting symptoms at school will be assessed in a wellness room and parents will be called if necessary to pick up their child.

I know that we can do this successfully, because we have already done it successfully and will do so again! Thanks for your continued support and great things are happening at Buchanan!


  • Youth Making a Difference: Youth Making a Difference is a Livonia PTSA Council program that encourages and recognizes volunteer efforts by LPS students. In the past students have visited senior citizens, helped collect money for local organizations, shoveled snow for a neighbor, etc. Though this year's activities may look a little different, we are still encouraging Buchanan students to get involved safely. Please see the list of COVID-safe projects provided by Livonia PTSA Council for ideas (attached to Mr. Wennstrom's email). Students who participate will be recognized in a ceremony in April. If your student would like to participate, please complete the Commitment Form (attached to Mr. Wennstrom's email) and email it to by January 22.
  • Where does your money go? At this point in the school year, the PTA would like to share with our Buchanan families how we have used some of our funds this year. With money from memberships, donations, community rewards programs, and fundraising from this and past years, here are some of the things we have been able to do this year:

- Purchase yard signs to welcome back our students and staff in the fall
- Reimburse staff members up to $100 each for classroom supplies
- Purchase Raz-Kids subscriptions for all students
- Purchase educational magazine subscriptions for classroom use (physically and virtually)
- Purchase a portable microphone and speaker for our Library Media Center
- Purchase 100 pairs of headphones (25 for each new classroom) 
- Purchase 15 new electric pencil sharpeners for classrooms in need
- Contribute to the purchase of Buchanan facemasks for staff members
- Cover the cost difference in upgraded planners for 4th grade
- Treat our custodial staff to Tim Horton's gift cards to celebrate National Custodial Worker's Day in October
- Provide donuts and cider to all F2F classrooms for Halloween
- Provide a craft and free Wendy's Frosty coupon to all LV students for Halloween
- Purchase a new book for each student (almost 500!) as a holiday gift
- Provide lunch for the staff before the return to F2F in October
- Stock the staff lounge with snacks and candy in November
- Provide boxed lunches from Lee's Chicken and holiday cookies from Cantoro Italian Market to staff to celebrate the holidays and treat them at report card/conference time

  • PTA Membership: If you would like to support our efforts, please consider becoming a PTA member. Membership does not require anything from you other than the $7.00 membership fee, but it gives you a voice in decisions affecting our school and students and shows your support for our activities (like those listed above). Purchase your membership here:
  • Follow the PTA on Facebook: @BuchananElementarySchoolPTA
  • Next PTA Meeting: Tuesday, January 26

Please remember that the Livonia Virtual learning schedule will remain the same with K,2,4 meeting at 10, 12, and 2 and 1st and 3rd meeting at 9, 11, and 1.