Friday, February 28, 2020

Let It Snow

Hi folks, Jon Wennstrom here! It was another short week, due to Mother Nature. One of the many tasks of the Superintendent that I do not envy is the calling of snow days. She needs to take into account the weather forecast, the road conditions, the ability of parents and students to drive safely and many of other factors that can change quickly. My experience is that whatever decision is made, someone will not be happy. As disrupting as it can be to work and school schedules, I always support the decision to keep children safe (especially as I now have two children of driving age). I hope you were able to enjoy the snow days with your children and I know that if my Saint Bernard could talk he would say, "Let it snow!"


Thursday, March 5: Parent Orientation for NEW Kindergarten Families 6:00-7:00 PM

Tuesday, March 10: No School for Students (Election Day), PTA Skate Night 6-8 PM
Thursday, March 12: PTA Meeting in the Library (all families welcome) 7:00 PM
Friday, March 13: Students dismissed at 12:10 PM (Records day in afternoon for teachers)
Saturday, March 14: Pancake Breakfast in the Gym

Monday, March 16 - Thursday, March 19: Book Fair
Friday, March 20: Report Cards go home


The spring Scholastic Book Fair is coming! To kick it off, we will be hosting our 3rd annual Pancake Breakfast on Saturday, March 14 from 9:00-11:00am. Come shop the Book Fair and enjoy a breakfast of pancakes, sausage, and beverages. The cost is $3.00 per person. Visit the following link to sign up for an eating time, and then send in the flyer (which was sent home last week and is also attached to Mr. Wennstrom's email) with payment by Tuesday, March 9

A ticket to the Pancake Breakfast is NOT required to shop the Book Fair on Saturday, March 14. If you are not interested in attending the Pancake Breakfast, you are still welcome to come check out the Book Fair from 9:00-11:00am.

Book Fair Volunteers needed! We are in need of volunteers during class shopping times. Please visit the following link to sign up for a volunteer slot:

Nominations are open for the 2020-2021 PTA Board. If you are interested in nominating yourself or someone else, please fill out a Nomination Form (attached to Mr. Wennstrom's email). Nomination forms are due Thursday, March 19. Voting for the 2020-2021 PTA Board will take place at the PTA meeting on April 23, 2020.

Our next Riverside Skating Night is this Tuesday, March 10 from 6:00 to 8:00pm. Admission is $6.50 and includes a regular skate rental (premium rental or inline skate rental is an additional $3.00). We hope to see you there!

The PTA needs your photos for Buchanan's yearbook! If you have photos from any of our events, your child's classroom activities, or anything else related to Buchanan, please email them to with "yearbook" in the subject line and a brief description of the photos (e.g., "VIP Dance," "McGuigan's class," "4th grade field trip," etc.).

The deadline to order yearbooks is March 27, 2020. Visit and use yearbook ID code 1643320 to place your order.

Still in need of Buchanan spirit wear? Our spirit wear company now offers FREE SHIPPING on orders over $50. Click this link to view Buchanan's spirit wear store:

We are still accepting donations of recess equipment. There is a collection box set up in the lobby for donations. Thank you to all who have already donated!

Please join us at our next PTA meeting: Thursday, March 12 at 7:00pm in the LMC. Childcare will be provided.


Did you know that our 4th grade students enjoyed a Northeast Taste Fest this week? Each year, our teachers organize a fun way for students to learn about different regions as they explore their Social Studies curriculum in a TASTY way! Thank you to our staff and parent volunteers who helped make this event possible. Great things are happening at Buchanan! 


Friday, February 21, 2020

3 Days!

Hi folks, Jon Wennstrom here! We may have only had three days of school this week, but they were busy ones! Our students continued their Math Month activities as they focused on Geometry. I joined all the elementary principals and literacy coaches on an all day workshop on "student-centered coaching", and of course we recognized students who earned green tickets by letting them announce their names on the intercom during morning announcements on Friday. Things never slow down at an elementary school and I think that's why I love Buchanan so much!


Monday, February 24: Students of the Month Assembly (GRIT)
Thursday, March 5: Parent Orientation for NEW Kindergarten families 6:00-7:00 PM
Tuesday, March 10: No School for Election Day-PTA Skate Night at Riverside Arena 6:00-8:00
Thursday, March 12: PTA Meeting (all families welcome) 7:00 PM in Library
Friday, March 13: Students dismissed at 12:10 PM (Records Day in the Afternoon)
Saturday, March 14: Pancake Breakfast!! 

  • DATE CHANGES! The following changes have been made to our calendar:
- The April PTA meeting has been moved from April 16 to April 23.
- Our Annual Spring Fling has been moved from May 29 to June 5.
  • The spring Scholastic Book Fair is coming! Our annual Pancake Breakfast will be on Saturday, March 14, and classes will shop March 16 through 19. More information will be sent home soon!
  • The PTA needs your photos for Buchanan's yearbook! If you have photos from any of our events, your child's classroom activities, or anything else related to Buchanan, please email them to with "yearbook" in the subject line and a brief description of the photos (e.g., "VIP Dance," "McGuigan's class," "4th grade field trip," etc.).
  • The deadline to order yearbooks is March 27, 2020. Visit and use yearbook ID code 1643320 to place your order.
  • Still in need of Buchanan spirit wear? Our spirit wear company now offers FREE SHIPPING on orders over $50. Click this link to view Buchanan's spirit wear store:
  • We are still accepting donations of recess equipment. There is a collection box set up in the lobby for donations. Thank you to all who have already donated!
  • Please join us at our next PTA meeting: Thursday, March 12 at 7:00pm in the LMC. Childcare will be provided.


Did you know that every Friday, one student from each class gets to come to the office and announce their name and classroom after the morning announcements? Every time a student is caught following our "3 to be" they get a green ticket.  Those tickets go into a jar and one person is drawn each week.  It's just another way to recognize our amazing students. Great things are happening at Buchanan! 

Friday, February 14, 2020

February Fun!!

Hi folks, Jon Wennstrom here! February has been an exciting month at Buchanan! We are celebrating Black History Month, Math Month, VIP Dance, 100th Day Celebrations, and we recently celebrated Valentine's Day. February can be a cold and bleak month, but we are making it fun and exciting here at school. Thanks to our Buchanan staff, PTA, and volunteers who make all these fun events possible!


Monday, February 17 & Tuesday, February 18: No School for Midwinter Break!

Monday, February 24: Students of the Month Assembly (GRIT)

Thursday, March 5: Parent Information Night for NEW Kindergarten Families 6:00 PM

  • Thank you to all who attended our PTA meeting last week. Mark your calendars for our next meeting:  Thursday, March 12 at 7:00pm in the LMC. Childcare will be provided.
  • Youth Making a Difference commitment forms are due this Friday, February 21. Youth Making a Difference is a program that encourages and recognizes volunteer efforts by K-12 students. Students who have performed/will perform a service activity this school year, either on their own or with a group, are encouraged to participate in this program. The Livonia PTSA Council will recognize the efforts of these students at the annual Youth Making a Difference Celebration on April 16 at 6:00pm at Churchill.
  • DATE CHANGES! The following changes have been made to our calendar:
- The April PTA meeting has been moved from April 16 to April 23.
- Our Annual Spring Fling has been moved from May 29 to June 5.
  • Still in need of Buchanan spirit wear? Our spirit wear company now offers FREE SHIPPING on orders over $50. Click this link to view Buchanan's spirit wear store:
  • The deadline to order yearbooks is March 27, 2020. Visit and use yearbook ID code 1643320 to place your order.
  • We are still accepting donations of recess equipment. There is a collection box set up in the lobby for donations. Thank you to all who have already donated!
The before school iready club will start back up on Wednesday, February 19! Students will be picked up in vestibule at 8:05 AM


Did you know that two of our Buchanan team members were recognized at the annual PTSA Founders Day banquet? Michelle Adams (2nd grade classroom teacher) and Jennifer Emm (PTA Treasurer) were both recognized for their continuous dedication and service to our school. We are lucky to have such a wonderful team at our building. Great things are happening at Buchanan! 

Friday, February 7, 2020

Math Month

Hi folks, Jon Wennstrom here! We are having fun at Buchanan as we celebrate "Math Month". Each week we are focusing on a new skill by having fun activities for our students to participate in. We are focusing on the themes of estimation, measurement, geometry and problem solving. From estimation jars filled with candy to math "exercises" in the gym we are making math fun! We kicked off our math month with schoolwide assemblies with the one and only Doug Scheer. He had our students on the edge of their seats with his Math Superhero assembly. Ask your child about what fun activities they are doing during Math Month!


Thursday, February 13: PTA Meeting 7:00 PM in the Library (All families welcome)
Friday, February 14: Happy Valentines Day!!

Monday, February 17 & Tuesday, February 18: No School for Midwinter Break

  • Please join us for our PTA meeting this Thursday, February 13 at 7:00pm in the LMC. Childcare will be provided.
  • We are still collecting traditional Box Tops clips while the Box Tops for Education program is transitioning to digital collection. Please send in your Box Tops labeled with your child's name and teacher. The class that collects the most traditional Box Tops clips by Friday, February 14 will win a pizza party.
  • Still in need of Buchanan spirit wear? Get 10% off spirit wear orders from February 4 through 14 with coupon code SWEETEST10. Also, our spirit wear company now offers FREE SHIPPING on orders over $50. Click this link to view Buchanan's spirit wear store:
  • The deadline to order yearbooks is March 27, 2020. Visit and use yearbook ID code 1643320 to place your order.
  • We are still accepting donations of recess equipment. There is a collection box set up in the lobby for donations. Thank you to all who have already donated!


Did you know that we just had our annual VIP Dance at Buchanan? This year's theme was 80's and we had a totally RAD time at the dance. It was great to see students and parents dressed up in the clothes from my favorite decade! We are fortunate to have such an active PTA that puts on so many fun events for our students. Great things are happening at Buchanan!