Our very first Celebrate Monday assembly at Buchanan!
Thursday, September 21: PTA Meeting in the Library 7:00 PM (childcare is provided)
Wednesday, September 27: Lifetouch Picture Day
Friday, September 29: PTA Fun Run 6:30-8:00 PM
Wednesday, October 18: Parent Teacher Conferences (Students dismissed at 12:10 PM)
Thursday, October 19: Parent Teacher Conferences (Students dismissed at 12:10 PM)
Meet the Buchanan Staff
Mrs. Stromberg - Kindergarten Teacher
I am one of Buchanan's kindergarten teachers. I've been working with young kids for as long as I remember. I can't imagine a doing anything else as a career. I am a wife, my husband is the principal of Holmes Middle School, we've been married for 30 years. I am a mom of four, I have 2 daughters and two sons. My daughter, Annie is an event planner, she plans parties for a living! (How great is that.) My eldest son, Eric is in medical school, he is recently married so our family now has two Anna Strombergs. Benjamin my third, is a scientist at OSU. My youngest daughter Kate, goes to school with her dad at Holmes she is an eighth grader.
My personal goal this is year is to drink more water and in my classroom goal is to utilize flexible seating!
5 words to describe Buchanan: Fun, Friends, Forest, Fantastic, and Family
PTA Points
- Our first General Membership PTA meeting will be Thursday, September 21 at 7:00 PM in the Library. Everyone is welcome and childcare will be provided!
- The first session of Nuts about Science is full. We are pleasantly surprised with the amount of interest due to the company's new format of 7 week sessions. We are looking into the possibility of adding another session in the future.
- Clipping Box Tops is an easy way to help earn cash for our school. Each one is worth 10¢ for our school! Just look for the pink Box Tops on hundreds of products. All you have to do is clip them and send them to school.
For more information on Box Tops, including a list of participating products, go to BTFE.com .
Class that collects the most Box Tops by October 20th will earn a PIZZA PARTY! Thanks for your help!
- The Fun Run is the PTA’s biggest fundraiser of the year. This year we are inviting the whole family to join in the fun for our first ever family fun GLOW run. The run will take place on the back playground on Friday, September 29th from 6:30-8:00 p.m.
The Fun Run promotes health and fitness to our students while helping us reach our budget goals. Please help us reach our fundraising goal by supporting our Fun Run!
Please help your child reach the individual student goal of $50. That’s just five $10 pledges!
Our total school goal is $15,000.
Register your child for our Fun Run by visiting http://www.thegetmovincrew.com/
Did you know that Buchanan Elementary has a "Buddy Bench"? The bench was purchased by our PTA and intended to help students make friends and learn to be a buddy. If a child is lonely or wants someone to play with, they can simply sit on the bench. This signals to other children that someone is in search of a playmate or a friend during recess time. It's something that really promotes kindness and helps us meet our "3 to Be" of being Safe, Kind, and Responsible. Great things are happening at Buchanan!