Friday, October 20, 2017


Hi folks, Jon Wennstrom here! It was wonderful to see so many parents here at Buchanan for our Parent-Teacher Conferences last week! Technology has enabled us to communicate more frequently through email, phone and text, but nothing replaces a good old fashioned face to face meeting. Conferences are a time for parents to build a relationship with their child's teacher and to find ways that we can partner to ensure success for all students! Each child is unique and therefore each conference is unique. I'm so impressed with the amount of parent participation at Buchanan and I'm very proud of our staff for the long hours they put in and their level of knowledge of each child in their classroom. Good communication between home and school is the foundation for a superior education and that's what we strive to provide for every student at Buchanan!


Thursday, October 26: Picture Retakes in the morning. Please bring the original picture packet with you. If you have not had your picture taken, please bring an order form (available in the office).

Friday, October 27: PTA BOO BASH 6:00-8:00 PM on the back playground 

Tuesday, October 31: Halloween Costume Parade around the building at 3:20 PM

Tuesday, November 7: No School for Students (Teacher Professional Development Day)

Thursday, November 9: Barnes & Noble Book Fair with special guest readers 5:30-7:30 PM

Mrs. Pillai - Kindergarten Teacher 

Hello Buchanan Families!  My name is Jackie Pillai and I am one of the kindergarten teachers.  I started teaching in 2000 as a special education teacher.  Majority of those years were spent at Cass, teaching 1st grade in a special education classroom.  I have been teaching kindergarten for the past 4 years and LOVE it!  

I have lived in Livonia for most of my life and my children have grown up here too.  I have two children.  My son Dylan is 16 and a junior at Stevenson and my daughter Kailyn, is 11 and in 6th grade at Riley. My son recently got his driver’s license, which is exciting and SO scary at the same time!  Enjoy your babies; time goes way too fast.  I enjoy traveling, reading and spending time with my children and friends!

My goal this year is to ensure that children believe in themselves and develop to their full potential.

Five words that describe Buchanan are: Inviting, Caring, Fun, Safe and Respectful.

  • Our Boo Bash is quickly approaching and we still need volunteers, cars for the trunk or treat, decorated pumpkins and candy donations! Please go to the sign up genius if you are able to help:  Boo Bash Sign Up Please remember to return the bottom portion of the flyer that was sent home with money if you would like to pre-purchase and save time at the event. All forms need to be turned in by the morning of Thursday October 26 as we will send the bags home that afternoon. You may purchase bags/tickets at the event on Friday, October 27 until 7:00 PM.
  • Our Bake Sale was amazing this year!! Huge thank you to all the families that donated delicious treats and to Costco for their donation of baked goods! Things sold out very quickly!
  • National PTA Reflections Art show is coming soon! All art entries must be turned in by November 7. Please see the attached flyer or contact Margaret Cordle at for more information and to coordinate artwork pickup. 

Did you know we will be having a Costume Parade in the afternoon of Tuesday, October 31? Following the afternoon recess, students will change into costumes (if they wish) and each class will exit their exterior classroom doors at 3:20 PM and walk around the building. Parents may come line up along the exterior of the building to watch the costume parade as the classes pass by and may check their child out following the parade if they wish. Please make sure that costumes do NOT include any blood, gore, or weapons. We are looking forward to seeing the costumes. Great things are happening at Buchanan!