Thank you Mrs. Stark for helping our students make a Kindness Mosaic in our lobby!
Thursday, September 20: PTA Meeting in the Library Media Center (LMC) 7:00 PM
Friday, September 21: Lifetouch Picture Day!
Monday, September 24 - Friday, September 28: Scholastic Book Fair!
Thursday, September 27: Open House & Curriculum Night (See schedule below)
6:00 - 6:30 PM Curriculum Night in Classrooms for Grades K-2
6:30 - 7:00 PM Open House for all grades
7:00 - 7:30 PM Curriculum Night in Classrooms for Grades 3 & 4
During the Curriculum Night portions of the evening, all students will be supervised by staff members in the gym as we have a Magic Show!
We are currently having issues with our new absence reporting phone line:
To report an absence and fill out an Absence Verification Form online:
· Go to Quick Links
· Or go to Parent Tab
· Choose Absente Verification Form
· Fill out form and submit
- Please support the Buchanan PTA by joining today. Your membership alone will give us a BIGGER voice in our school and community! Budget, programs, school events and volunteer opportunities will be discussed at monthly meetings. The classroom that gets the most PTA members will earn a classroom stipend. Join on our website
. Click on the shop tab at the top of the page to submit your membership.
- Meet the new PTA board for the 2018-19 school year. Join us for our first meeting on Thursday, September 20 at 7pm in the Library. We will share all the upcoming event dates and all the exciting things we have planned for this year. Childcare will be provided
- The PTA invites you to wander into an Enchanted Forest Book Fair September 24-28. It’s a whimsical place full of irresistible books kids can’t wait to read so their imaginations can grow! The book fair will be open during curriculum night. Please sign up to volunteer to work during your child’s shopping time.
go/20f054aa8af23a7f94-book - In need of some Buchanan spirit wear? Take advantage of free shipping from September 7-24. Please visithttp://www.buchananspiritwear.
com to place your order. - Don’t forget to send in your box tops! The class that collects the most will earn a pizza party!Please label all baggies with the teachers name.
- For a full list of volunteer opportunities please check out the link below.!/
showSignUp/20F054AA8AF23A7F94- buchanan
Did you know that we do NOT use student names when posting on Social Media? We also focus on group pictures rather than individual pictures . Our goal is to share out the great learning activities and projects going on in our school and not on individuals. Even our students of the month are posted in a group photo during our Celebrate Monday assembly. We are sharing our story while keeping students safe. Great things are happening at Buchanan!