Saturday, October 27, 2018

Monster Mash Dash

Hi folks, Jon Wennstrom here! We had a tremendous event on Friday night and it was great to see so many families in the school having fun. This year, we combined our Fun Run fundraiser and our traditional Boo Bash into one big event called the Monster Mash Dash!  Students had the chance to run around the outside course and then received a bag to fill up with candy from all the game and activity stations inside the school. Students danced, packed into the photo booth, and had lots of treats during the event! I want to thank our PTA board and volunteers who made this event possible. We also had many staff members who came back to work the event. What a wonderful group of dedicated people we have at Buchanan! I hope you had the chance to join the fun and also had the chance to thank the volunteers who made it happen. Great things are happening at Buchanan!


Monday, October 29: Student of the Month Assembly 9:05 AM (Responsibility)
Wednesday, October 31: Halloween Costume Parade grades 1-4 at 3:15 PM (Parents may check out students after the parade if they wish)

Tuesday, November 6: No School for Students, PTA Bounce It Up Event 6:00-8:00 PM
Thursday, November 8: Barnes & Noble Book Fair 

Wednesday, November 21 - Friday, November 23: No School for Thanksgiving Break

  • Thank you to all the students who raised donations for our Monster Mash Dash. We reached our goal of $15,000! Prizes will be awarded Monday, November 5 during the morning assembly.
  • Way to go Buchanan, you collected 14,158 BoxTops for the fall submission. Congratulations to Mrs. Benson’s Class who won the Pizza Party for collecting the most BoxTops. 
  • Bounce it up Family Fun night Tuesday, November 6, 6:00-8:00PM.Bounce It Up, 30276 Plymouth Road, Livonia. Two hours of unlimited bouncing and coin-less arcade games for $10 per child(child need not be a Buchanan student to attend - siblings/friends/etc. welcome!) Flyers will go home Monday, October 29th.
  • For 50 years, the PTA Reflections contest has given students  the opportunity to express themselves through the arts. Students may enter projects in the following six categories: Dance Choreography, Film Production, Literature, Music Composition, Photography, and Visual Arts (students may submit entries for more than one category, but may only submit one entry per category). This year’s theme is “Heroes Around Me.” Projects are due to the front office by November 14, 2018. All participants are invited to attend the annual Reflections celebration at Franklin High School on January 15, 2019. For more information and to access the entry form, see the documents attached to Mr. Wennstrom's email, or visit the following link:

Did you know that we have a blank Superman book at Buchanan? Each week, a student will be selected from each classroom to draw a picture in the book. When finished, the book will have representation from each classroom and grade (plus a few additional pictures). It's just another fun way to get students involved, showcase their talents, and keep as a remembrance of the 2018-2019 school year. Our first student completed a picture this week and I can't wait to see the work from our next students. Each work will be displayed on our school social media sites and students will be recognized at our Celebrate Monday assemblies. Great things are happening at Buchanan!