Sunday, December 9, 2018

Iron Sharpens Iron

Hi folks, Jon Wennstrom here! Last week I had the opportunity to attend the MEMSPA (Michigan Elementary & Middle School Principals Association) conference. While it is difficult to leave the building for three days, I have always found the conference to be an opportunity to learn and grow from my colleagues across the state. I'm very fortunate to work in a district that supports professional learning and I'm also fortunate to work in a building full of leaders that step up and keep things running smoothly while I am gone. There is a saying that "iron sharpens iron", meaning that we become better when we surround ourselves with people that push us to be our very best. That's what this conference is for me. An opportunity to surround myself with the movers and shakers in educational leadership and learn new ideas that I can implement at our building. I've always said that my best ideas weren't my ideas. I've borrowed ideas from so many great leaders that I've been able to tweak to meet the needs of our staff, students, and community. They say we become like those we surround ourselves with. Make sure you surround yourself with people that will lift you up, push your thinking, and help you to be your very best!


Monday, December 10: Santa Shop Opens!
                                        iReady Window 2 Testing Begins (All students - Reading & Math)
Wednesday, December 12: PTA sponsored Cookies with Santa & Mrs. Claus 6:00-8:00 PM
Friday, December 14: Santa Shop Closes

Monday, December 17: Students of the Month Assembly (Empathy) 
Wednesday, December 19: Pizza Party with the Principal (top fundraisers from each classroom)
Friday, December 21: Final day of school before Winter Break
                                     iReady Window 2 Closes

Monday, January 7: School Resumes! 

  • Need a ham for the holiday dinner? We are selling Dearborn Brand products. Orders are due with payment on December 11th.  Order pick up will be on December 21 from 4-5. Please write checks out to Buchanan PTA.  
  • Our Santa Shop will take place December 10-14. We are looking for volunteers to help during the classroom shopping time or during our night event. Please see the sign up genius link below:

  • Cookies and Milk with Santa will take place on Wednesday, December 12 from 6-8p.m. This is a good time to bring siblings or other family  members to shop our Santa Shop. Don’t forget to get a picture with Santa and Mrs. Claus.
  • Struggling to find a gift for your child's teacher or favorite staff member? The PTA surveyed our amazing staff and compiled their answers into the attached Holiday Gift Guide in an effort to make your holiday season a little easier. Buchanan staff members who turned in a survey are listed in alphabetical order in the attached sheet!


Did you know we are continuing our tradition of the "Buchanan Giving Tree" for the holidays? Please consider donating a gift card to Buchanan’s Giving Tree. The gift card can be for any amount.  All gift cards need to be turned in by Wednesday, December 12th.  This will ensure that I can get them to the families with some time to shop for their loved ones.  Last year, we were able to help by donating $2,000 to many Buchanan families throughout the year. All of the families were extremely grateful! Please click on the link below to sign-up.
If you are in need of assistance, please contact Mrs. Blazek or Mrs. Taylor  All information is kept confidential.  Great things are happening at Buchanan!