Friday, February 15, 2019


Hi folks, Jon Wennstrom here! This month we are focusing on the theme of reflection at Buchanan. We have discussed the importance of spending some quiet time each day to think about the day, what went well and what we want to improve on. Research shows that children (and adults) spend less and less time each year with any "down time". It also shows that when we take time to unplug, we are more productive and more creative. Take some time this week to talk with your child about reflection and the importance of having some quiet time.  Better yet, model down time for your child by turning off the electronics and scheduling some quiet time together. You may be surprised at how good it feels to be unplugged!


Monday, February 18: No School for President's Day
Monday, February 25: Students of the Month Assembly
Wednesday, February 27: Students Dismissed at 12:10 PM / Teacher training in afternoon
Thursday, March 7: Kindergarten Parent Information Night 6:00-7:00 PM
Friday, March 8: Students Dismissed at 12:10 PM / Records Day in the afternoon

  • Don’t forget to turn in your Boxtops. The class with the most collected WINS a pizza party!

  • Yearbook orders are due by February 28th. Get your orders in before it’s too late. You can purchase online or send in the flyer that was sent home.

  • The PTA is looking for individuals to join the board for the 2019/2020 school year. Help fundraise, plan activities, and make Buchanan a fun place to learn. Nomination forms were sent home. For more information please email


Did you know that three Buchanan team members were recognized at this year's PTA Founder's Day banquet? Mrs. Watson (PTA Board) was recognized as outstanding volunteer, Ms. Plakas (Speech Teacher) was recognized as outstanding staff member, and Mrs. Pepple (Secretary) was recognized as support staff person of the year! We are fortunate to have such outstanding people at our school. Great things are happening at Buchanan!