Friday, May 3, 2019

Dr. Dolittle

Hi folks, Jon Wennstrom here! Each year, when we do our 2nd Grade Talking Zoo program, I feel a little like Dr. Dolittle walking around and talking with the animals! We had another amazing event with both students and families coming in to hear the presentations from our students. It truly is a great example of making learning fun and meaningful for our students. Thanks to our 2nd grade team, our families, and students who participated in this event!


Tuesday, May 7: Buchanan Talent Show
Thursday, May 16: Art Showcase (K-4) Music Concert (1-4) 6:00-8:00 PM
Friday, May 24: Students & Staff Dismissed at 12:10 PM
Monday, May 27: No School in observance of Memorial Day
Friday, May 31: PTA Spring Fling 5:30-8:30 PM
 6:10 PM - Grade One
6:30 PM - Grade Two
7:00 PM - Grade Three
7:30 PM - Grade Four
Students should be in their classrooms 10 minutes before their concert start times. After each performance, the gym will be cleared for the next grade level. Parents may pick up their child outside of their classrooms (by there lockers) after the performance. 

We strongly suggest that first and second grade families attend the first hour (6:00-7:00 PM) and tour the art projects during their either just before or just after the music performance. Third and fourth grade families are encouraged to come just during the second hour (7:00-8:00 PM) and tour the art projects either just before or after the music performance. This will help with congestion in the parking lot and in the building. Thanks for your cooperation! 

  • Spring Fling Raffle Basket Donations

We are still in need of basket donation items. Each class is assigned a theme for a basket to be raffled off at our spring fling event on May 31st. Donated items will be collected to create the raffle baskets. Cash donations will also be accepted. Please label all items with  “Spring Fling Donation” and your child’s teacher’s name. Please send in all donations by May 20th. A flyer will be sent home closer to the event with more information. Thanks for your support.

Squishies & Slime- Pisko & Trantham
Detroit Sports Teams- Ringler & Pillai
S.T.E.M.- Banter & Kaufman
Made in Michigan- Adams & Duff
Outdoor Fun- Jones & Gruenewald
Superheroes - Kurtijan & McGuigan
Unicorns/Llamas- Hurula & Edwards
Snack Attack - Williams & Tanner
Arts/Crafts- Stromberg & Medellin
Coffee/Tea- Haapala & Benson


Did you know May 13-17 is the final week for students to check out books this school year. All library books are due by Friday, May 24. This is so all books can be shelved and the library prepared for the summer. If your child has any overdue books, please return them or pay for them as soon as possible. If you would like to know the cost for a lost book, please let our Library Media Specialist, Miss Ford know.  Great things are happening at Buchanan!