Friday, August 30, 2019

Here We Go!

Hi folks, Jon Wennstrom here! We are ready for another great year at Buchanan Elementary. The rooms are ready, the teachers are excited, our new families have been toured, and on Thursday we celebrated with our incoming kindergarten families with Popsicles on the Playground! We look forward to welcoming ALL of our students as they return on Tuesday. Please see the upcoming events and helpful tips below as we kick off our new school year!


Tuesday, September 3: Students return to school! All staff will be outside to help students get to the appropriate line up spot.  After the students have entered the building, all parents are invited to the Garden Area (west side of the school) for Breakfast with our PTA! Students will be dismissed at 12:10 PM.

Thursday, September 5: Open House & Curriculum Night

Thursday, September 12: PTA Meeting at 7:00 PM

Friday, September 20: Lifetouch Picture Day
First Bell 8:49 AM     Classes Begin 8:54 AM
First Lunch 12:10 PM     Second Lunch 12:35 PM
All School Recess 3:15 PM     Classes Dismissed 3:59 PM
Students will receive class specific schedules with opening day packets! 

The Buchanan Elementary 
PTA invites you to a . . .

Welcome Back Breakfast!
Tuesday, September 3rd at 9:00am
in the Buchanan Oasis Garden
(on the west side of the school building)

Please join us for coffee, bagels, and donuts following drop-off on the first day of school. The event is open to parents/guardians and siblings. We look forward to getting to know our new and returning Buchanan families!

For those students being driven in, we provide curbside drop off. Please pull up in front of the gym and an adult will help your child out of the car and to the designated spot. We will do the same for all students as they exit the school bus. Please see the picture below to find the designated line up spot for each grade level. Kindergarten students will always line up in front of the main doors. 
Students riding the bus will be helped by adults and safeties into the appropriate bus line. Kindergarten students being picked up will be delivered to parents outside the classroom exterior doors (in the back of the building). Students in grades 1-4 will be picked up in the gym. The gym will be divided into four quadrants, one for each grade.  Parents may enter the gym through the exterior gym doors when they are opened at 3:55 PM.Thank you for your cooperation!

6:00-6:30 PM: K-2 Curriculum Night (parents in classrooms)
6:30-7:00 PM Open House for all grades
7:00-7:30 PM: 3rd&4th Curriculum Night (parents in classrooms)
During the Curriculum Night portions of the evening, all students will be in the gym for a Magic Show!

All of our staff will be wearing "Be Kind" shirts on the first day to help make it easy for students to know who to ask for help.