Friday, January 24, 2020

Candid Photos

Hi folks, Jon Wennstrom here! Last week, the Lifetouch photographers came into the building and took some candid photos of the students in class and around the building. These photos will help "fill out" our Buchanan yearbook pages. One of the things that I like about the candid photos is that it really captures the spirit of the building. The formal pictures are nice and I love seeing the kids dressed up and looking their best, but the candid photos capture the joy of students with their friends and having fun throughout the school. It's that spirit of joy in coming to school everyday that I try to foster and not just the staged "formal pictures" that show off a certain program or success. I hope your child finds joy in coming to school each day and I hope the adults in the school feel the same way!!


Monday, January 27: Students of the Month Assembly
Thursday, January 30: PTA Skate Night at Riverside Arena 6:00-8:00 PM
Friday, February 7: VIP Dance in the gym (80's Theme) 6:00-8:00 PM

  • The Annual Buchanan VIP Dance will be held on Friday, February 7 from 6:00-8:00pm. The theme this year is the '80s! Tickets are $3 per person, and the event is PRE-SALE ONLY. A digital copy of the flyer and order form is attached to Mr. Wennstrom's email.
  • Our next Riverside Skating Night is this Thursday, January 30 from 6:00 to 8:00pm. Admission is $6.50 and includes a regular skate rental (premium rental or inline skate rental is an additional $3.00). We hope to see you there!
  • Buchanan is in need of outdoor recess equipment! We could use balls of all sorts (soccer balls, footballs, basketballs, playground balls, etc.), jump ropes, hula hoops, etc. If you have extras of any of these items at home, Buchanan students would be happy to have them for use during outdoor recess. There is a collection box set up in the lobby for donations. 
  • Still in need of Buchanan spirit wear? Our spirit wear company now offers FREE SHIPPING on all orders over $50. Click this link to view Buchanan's spirit wear store:
  • Where does your money go? As we reach the mid-point of the school year, the PTA would like to share with our Buchanan families how we have used some of the funds raised from our Fun Run (and other fundraising efforts). With your generous donations, here are some of the things we have been able to do this year:
- Purchase 525 pairs of headphones (enough for every student, plus extras for the resource room and educational support)
- Reimburse staff members up to $100 each for classroom supplies
- Purchase Raz-Kids subscriptions for the majority of students
- Fund up to $1600 per grade for Field Trips
- Purchase over $900 worth of books for the Library
- Provide funding for 1st grade to purchase new foam dice, number lines, and wooden erasers
- Provide funding for 4th grade to purchase stools for use at guided reading tables
- Provide funding for Kindergarten to purchase a subscription to Scholastic Let's Find Out non-fiction magazines
- Purchase National Geographic magazine subscriptions for classroom use
- Purchase Mileage Club supplies
- Throw a luncheon for our amazing staff the week before report cards were due in December
- Provide a holiday gift for each staff member
- Fund the PTA Surprise Elf Week, during which each student received crayons, a coloring sheet, a pencil, and a bookmark, and each classroom received a book, a game, and a bag of school supplies.

Monday is turkey, gravy and mashed potatoes instead of quesadillas

Did you know that we have a fish tank in our lobby at Buchanan. Every day, our students get to walk by and see our beautiful fish and the famous goldfish named Goldie! Our students love to see Goldie swim around the tank with her little friends and also see her play hide and seek with the decorations in her tank. Great things are happening at Buchanan!