Sunday, March 22, 2020

Staying Connected

Hi folks, Jon Wennstrom here! Current reality: Feelings of isolation, searching for ways to connect with friends and family without leaving the house, trying to keep my teenage daughters from killing each other, snacking throughout the day on comfort food. That's the Wennstrom house. How's your week going?? One of the things that is so important during this unprecedented time is staying connected to others and keeping a schedule. Here are some ways that I am trying to do that here:

Create a daily schedule - I'm setting time aside each day to play guitar and read a story (Check out story time each weekday at 7:00 PM on our Facebook page). I'm walking my dog each morning and evening (he is loving this time!). Do an activity as a family, play a board game or simply eat a meal together and talk. Set aside time each day for children to read, practice math facts, utilize the academic online programs they have already been using, and journal. A great topic would be to write about our current situation. Their grandchildren may be intrigued hearing about these times in their own words.

Stay Connected - Give a phone call to a friend or relative that you haven't seen in a while. Go online to our school Facebook page and check out Story Time! Create a Twitter account and use the hashtag #BuchananBears to post pictures of your family doing activities. I'll retweet as many as I can!

Take Care of Yourself - That means physically and emotionally. It's easy to get into a slump when we are not connecting with others. Go outside and take a walk if you can each day. Take some time to reflect on the positives in your life. Check in with your children and see how they are feeling. I've been consoling a senior who is facing the possibility of no senior prom and no graduation ceremony. It's a challenging time, but by talking, connecting, and supporting one another, we WILL get through this!


Report card grades will be accessible on Parent Connect on Wednesday, March 25
The Wennstrom's Weekly will continue to go out every Sunday at 3:00 PM
The district will continue sending out updates to families as new information becomes available
Spring Break is still scheduled for the week of April 6 - April 10 


District Update Links
Please check for updates from the district, either by emails, or by periodically checking the district websites: LPS Learning Resources and Curbside Food Assistance

Social Emotional Support
Livonia Public Schools has a hotline to support students during this time emotionally.  Parents, guardians and students can email at or they can call 734-744-2SES or 734-744-2737.

  • It is almost time to vote for your 2020-2021 PTA Board. Below is the slate of nominees running for each position. Voting for the 2020-2021 PTA Board is scheduled to take place at the PTA meeting on April 23, 2020.
President: Valerie Jackson
1st Vice President: Jill Allevato
2nd Vice President: Mary Anne LaCaprara
Treasurer: Amy Owens
Recording Secretary: Marcie Wenzlick
Corresponding Secretary: Kira Crandall and Katie Klann
  • Still in need of Buchanan spirit wear? There is FREE SHIPPING on all orders from March 20 through April 6. During this time there will be no minimum purchase to receive free shipping. There remains FREE SHIPPING on orders over $50 throughout the rest of the year. Click this link to view Buchanan's spirit wear store:
  • The deadline to order yearbooks is March 27, 2020. Visit and use yearbook ID code 1643320 to place your order.


Did you know that I will be having a VIP Guest Reader each Friday evening for STORY TIME? Our first guest reader was our very own LPS Superintendent Andrea Oquist! You can check out Mrs. Oquist's story on our Buchanan Facebook page. Upcoming VIP readers will include several children's book authors! Great things are happening within our Buchanan community!