Friday, October 2, 2020

Return to Learn

Hi folks, Jon Wennstrom here! As you know, the Board of Education approved the Return to Learn plan for students wanting Face to Face instruction. On Monday, October 5 we start bringing back students one grade level a day, starting with Kindergarten. By Friday, October 9 all our students who chose face to face instruction will be in the building. Our students enrolled in Livonia Virtual will continue with their regular daily schedule. I know there have been many changes for our students, but I also know how resilient our Buchanan students are and I'm confident they will do well! I will share out many details of our return to learn plan, but please keep in mind that this is a work in progress and we may make changes and tweaks along the way to better serve our students and our community. Thank you for your continued support!

Calendar of Events
  • Monday, October 5: Kindergarten Students return for face to face instruction
  • Tuesday, October 6: Kindergarten & First Grade students return
  • Wednesday, October 7: Kindergarten, First & Second Grade students return 
  • Thursday, October 8: Kindergarten through Third Grade students return
  • Friday, October 9: Kindergarten through Fourth Grade student return
Students will continue their remote learning schedule until the day of their grade level return and Livonia Virtual students will continue with their regular daily schedule. 

Parents may utilize the curbside drop off in front of the gym, beginning at 8:55 AM. Staff members will help students into the building and to their classroom. Staff members will also assist students off the bus into their classrooms. Parents may not enter the building with their child. Parents picking up their child at dismissal will park their car and pick up at classroom exterior doors at 3:25. If you have multiple children, always pick up the youngest child first. Please see the notes at the bottom of the post for more details on the Face to Face instructional protocols.


  • Spirit Wear: To purchase Buchanan-branded items, please visit our spirit wear store here: They are offering FREE SHIPPING on orders placed now through Monday, October 12.
  • Reflections: Reflections is an annual art competition held by the National PTA. Artwork is accepted in the following categories: Dance Choreography, Film Production, Literature, Music Composition, Photography, and Visual Arts. Entries are due Friday, November 13. Please see the flyer attached to Mr. Wennstrom's email for details.
  • Membership: The cost of a PTA membership is only $7.00 and supports the PTA's efforts on the local, state, and national levels. To become a member and start showing your support for the Buchanan Elementary PTA today, please visit our MemberHub store at the following link:
  • Next Meeting: Tuesday, October 20, 7:00pm (via Zoom)
  • Follow the PTA on Facebook: @BuchananElementarySchoolPTA

Please click HERE to register for Blessings in a Backpack if you are interested! 

Here are some Face to Face Informational Items
  • School Day: The school day will begin at 9:10 AM and students will be dismissed at 3:25 PM (students will not be allowed in the building before 8:55 AM and supervision will not begin before that time)
  • Masks: Mask wearing will be strictly enforced for all staff and students. 

    Allowable face coverings include: Homemade facial coverings (must be washed daily), Disposable masks (must be disposed of daily) and Gaiters (one-piece neck and face sleeve). 

  • Lunch & Snack: Lunch for K,2&4 will be from 12:00-12:35 PM and lunch for 1st & 3rd will be from 12:35-1:10 PM. Kindergarten will eat in the cafeteria & all other grades will eat at individual desks in the their classrooms. Lunch supervision will be provided by staff members. Morning snacks will be the same as in the past and water bottles are encouraged as the drinking fountains are closed. Click HERE for the hot lunch menu. 
  • Recess: Each class will have a 15 minute recess supervised by their teacher and will have periodic "mask breaks" and movement breaks throughout the day.
  • Arrival: Curbside drop off will still take place in front of the gym. As students exit the car or their school bus, staff supervisors will assist them in entering the building and going straight to their classroom. (Those getting breakfast can stop in the cafeteria first to pick up their food) Third and Fourth grade students may enter and the west door, K and First grade students will enter the main doors, and Second grade student will enter the east door (SACC door). It will look similar to last year with the exception of no outdoor lines. 
  • Dismissal: Parents picking up students after school are asked to go to the classroom exterior door. Teachers will share their room number for pick up and then they will dismiss students to parents at 3:25. Bus riders will be called out of the building when their bus arrives and supervisors will assist with getting all students (especially our youngest riders) safely onto the appropriate bus.
  • Visitors/Drop Off: Visitors and Volunteers will not be allowed in the building this year. If a parent or guardian is dropping off an item (lunch, book, etc) they will enter the secure vestibule and leave the item there and sign where the item is going to. If a parent or guardian is picking up a student early, they will communicate with the secretary through the intercom, sign them out and wait in the vestibule until the child comes down.  
  • Health ScreeningsAll students will be required to conduct the health and safety self assessment at home prior to coming to school. At-home screening includes taking temperature prior to attending school and answering a health checklist. If the student cannot answer “NO” to the questions on the checklist, or has a temperature of 100.4 degrees or higher, he or she may not attend school and must call the school attendance line.
  • Covid Protocols: Students who exhibit Covid Symptoms during the school day will be sent to a designated wellness room and will be supervised by a staff member until they are picked up by a parent or guardian. The Wayne County guidelines will be followed for all Covid cases and can be found in the Return to Learn presentation on the district website.
  • Chromebooks: We will not be using Chromebooks in school the week of October 5. I will send out a plan/protocols for our chromebook use in my next update and how we will proceed starting the week of October 12.
  • Livonia Virtual supply pick up will be Friday, October 9 from 1:30-3:30 in the cafeteria. The Livonia Virtual teachers will be sending out specific information to their families.
Great things are happening at Buchanan!