Thursday, September 28, 2017


Hi folks, Jon Wennstrom here! As a non runner, the only time I would every use Fun and Run in the same sentence is for a PTA function:) This year, we have a lot of "firsts" as we blend school communities and our PTA Fun Run was no exception. For the first time ever, we had our Fun Run in the evening and incorporated glow sticks. It was a wonderful event and our PTA made sure ALL students were included by purchasing a Buchanan t-shirt for every child whether they were able to attend the evening event or not. I was overwhelmed by the participation and support by our Buchanan community and am so grateful for the opportunities this fundraiser provides for our Buchanan students in the form of field trip money, classroom magazines, computer licenses for students and so much more! So many great things happen at our school thanks to our PTA and our supportive community members. Thanks starting our year off on such a positive note!


Friday, October 6: PTA Skate Night at Riverside Arena 6:00-8:00 PM

Thursday, October 12: PTA General Membership Meeting 7:00 PM (All Buchanan Parents welcome and childcare is provided)

Wednesday, October 18: Students Dismissed at 12:10 PM, Parent Teacher Conferences 1:00-4:00 & 5:00-8:00 PM
Thursday, October 19: Students Dismissed at 12:10 PM, Parent Teacher Conferences 1:00-4:00 & 5:00-8:00 PM

Friday, October 27: PTA Boo Bash 6:00-8:00 PM

Mrs. Tanner - Second Grade Teacher

Greetings, Buchanan Families!  I am beyond excited to be a part of Buchanan Elementary this year.  I am teaching 2nd grade and I absolutely love it!  I started my career in Clarenceville in 2000, teaching grades K-6 in a self-contained special education classroom.  I came to Livonia in 2005 and taught in the center program, grades K-6.  

I am married to my husband, Jeff and we have two beautiful children, Ava and Ethan.  Ava is a 1st grader at Hoover and my little guy just started preschool this year.  I love to spend time with my family and friends as often as I can and just enjoy life!  

My goal for this year is to ensure that every child feels loved and appreciated.  I feel strongly about making positive and meaningful relationships with students and parents.  The connection between home and school is so important!

Five words that describe Buchanan:  Welcoming, Enthusiastic, Caring, Fun, and Amazing!

  • Thank you to everyone who came out to support our Fun Run and thank you to everyone who donated!! It was a huge success.
  • We will still be collecting money for the Fun Run through Friday, October 6!! 
  • Come join us for Skate Night this Friday night from 6:00-8:00 PM at Riverside Arena.
  • Next General Membership meeting will be held on Thursday, October 12 at 7:00 PM

Did you know that all Livonia schools received new student furniture as part of the bond project? All Buchanan classrooms have new student tables, desks and chairs. Classrooms also have an assortment of "flexible seating" like stand up desks for the older students, short tables for working on projects close to the ground, and wiggle stools to help students get movement in while still remaining seated. Every child is unique and our new furniture is one more way we are trying to meet the diverse needs of our learners. Great things are happening at Buchanan!