Saturday, October 27, 2018

Monster Mash Dash

Hi folks, Jon Wennstrom here! We had a tremendous event on Friday night and it was great to see so many families in the school having fun. This year, we combined our Fun Run fundraiser and our traditional Boo Bash into one big event called the Monster Mash Dash!  Students had the chance to run around the outside course and then received a bag to fill up with candy from all the game and activity stations inside the school. Students danced, packed into the photo booth, and had lots of treats during the event! I want to thank our PTA board and volunteers who made this event possible. We also had many staff members who came back to work the event. What a wonderful group of dedicated people we have at Buchanan! I hope you had the chance to join the fun and also had the chance to thank the volunteers who made it happen. Great things are happening at Buchanan!


Monday, October 29: Student of the Month Assembly 9:05 AM (Responsibility)
Wednesday, October 31: Halloween Costume Parade grades 1-4 at 3:15 PM (Parents may check out students after the parade if they wish)

Tuesday, November 6: No School for Students, PTA Bounce It Up Event 6:00-8:00 PM
Thursday, November 8: Barnes & Noble Book Fair 

Wednesday, November 21 - Friday, November 23: No School for Thanksgiving Break

  • Thank you to all the students who raised donations for our Monster Mash Dash. We reached our goal of $15,000! Prizes will be awarded Monday, November 5 during the morning assembly.
  • Way to go Buchanan, you collected 14,158 BoxTops for the fall submission. Congratulations to Mrs. Benson’s Class who won the Pizza Party for collecting the most BoxTops. 
  • Bounce it up Family Fun night Tuesday, November 6, 6:00-8:00PM.Bounce It Up, 30276 Plymouth Road, Livonia. Two hours of unlimited bouncing and coin-less arcade games for $10 per child(child need not be a Buchanan student to attend - siblings/friends/etc. welcome!) Flyers will go home Monday, October 29th.
  • For 50 years, the PTA Reflections contest has given students  the opportunity to express themselves through the arts. Students may enter projects in the following six categories: Dance Choreography, Film Production, Literature, Music Composition, Photography, and Visual Arts (students may submit entries for more than one category, but may only submit one entry per category). This year’s theme is “Heroes Around Me.” Projects are due to the front office by November 14, 2018. All participants are invited to attend the annual Reflections celebration at Franklin High School on January 15, 2019. For more information and to access the entry form, see the documents attached to Mr. Wennstrom's email, or visit the following link:

Did you know that we have a blank Superman book at Buchanan? Each week, a student will be selected from each classroom to draw a picture in the book. When finished, the book will have representation from each classroom and grade (plus a few additional pictures). It's just another fun way to get students involved, showcase their talents, and keep as a remembrance of the 2018-2019 school year. Our first student completed a picture this week and I can't wait to see the work from our next students. Each work will be displayed on our school social media sites and students will be recognized at our Celebrate Monday assemblies. Great things are happening at Buchanan! 

Friday, October 19, 2018

Parent Teacher Partnerships

Hi folks, Jon Wennstrom here! Last week was a busy week with conferences, but it was great to see so many people here in the school. All the educational research shows that students perform better when there is a true partnership between parents and educators. I've always preferred the term Parent Teacher Partnerships over Conferences, because this isn't about a one time update, it's about building relationships and establishing two-way communication. Parents and teachers may not always agree on every issue, but one thing we can ALL agree on is that we are here to help each child be successful. That's always our starting point and with a strong parent-teacher partnership, the sky is the limit!


Thursday, October 25: Picture Retakes in the morning
                                    PTA Meeting at 7:00 PM
Friday, October 26: Monster Mash Dash 6:00-8:00 PM (This is a combination of our annual Fun Run and Boo Bash events. It's our largest fundraiser for the year!! Please come out & join the fun!)

Wednesday, October 31: Halloween Costume Parade grades 1-4 at 3:15 PM

Tuesday, November 6: Election Day - No School for Students

  • The Halloween Costume Parade will be at 3:15 on Halloween Day for grades 1-4
  • Weather permitting, we will parade around the outside the building (inside for bad weather)
  • Students may be checked out for dismissal following the parade
  • Kindergarten Students will have a separate parade in the AM (teachers will share more information)
  • Please no blood, gore, or weapons with costumes!

  • Our next PTA meeting will take place in the Library on October 25th at 7p.m.
  • The Monster Mash Dash is this Friday, October 26 from 6-8. All donations must be submitted on Wednesday, October 24. Students who raise donations by October 24 will receive a free wristband to our monster mash dash.$10 wristbands will be sold at the event along with pumpkin raffle tickets. 
  • We are still in need of volunteers for our Monster Mash Dash. Please volunteer 30 minuets of your time to insure that the event runs smoothly. By volunteering at events,  you will be entered to win a gift at the end of the year. 
  • Decorate a pumpkin to be raffled off at our event (NO carved pumpkins please). Drop off in the front office by the end of the school day on Thursday, October 25.
  • Bounce it up Family Fun night Tuesday, November 6, 6:00-8:00PM. Bounce It Up, 30276 Plymouth Road, LivoniaTwo hours of unlimited bouncing and coin less arcade games for $10 per child (child need not be a Buchanan student to attend - siblings/friends/etc. welcome!) Flyers will go home Monday, October 29th. 


Did you know that Buchanan had 97% parent attendance for conferences? That is outstanding!! I'm so impressed with the level of family participation at Buchanan with conferences, PTA membership, and volunteers in the school. As I stated earlier, the research shows that the more parents are involved in the educational process, the more likely students are to succeed! Thanks for your support of our school and your involvement. Keep up the great work and we will see you at the Monster Mash Bash soon! Great things are happening at Buchanan! 

Friday, October 12, 2018


Hi folks, Jon Wennstrom here! Last week, our teachers spent a lot of time reviewing and discussing data about student achievement. After hours of data entry into the computers, we then spend an entire day with "Data Dives" to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of students and how we can best help them with targeted intervention. That also helped teachers focus in on each child, so that they can discuss specific strategies with parents during parent teacher conferences. To be honest, teachers today do MUCH more analysis of student data than I ever did as a teacher.  Teachers today are more targeted in their approach, more trained in effective strategies, and harder working than ever before! I'm amazed at the level of expertise and dedication of our Buchanan teachers. I know you will see their level of devotion to students when you meet with them for parent teacher conferences!

A "Data" joke for Star Trek fans:)


Wednesday, October 17: Students dismissed at 12:10 PM
                                        Parent Teacher Conferences 1:00-4:00 & 5:00-8:00 PM
Thursday, October 18: Students dismissed at 12:10 PM
                                     Parent Teacher Conferences 1:00-4:00 & 5:00-8:00 PM
Friday, October 19: Full day for students

Thursday, October 25: Picture Retakes in the morning
                                    PTA Meeting 7:00 PM
Friday, October 26: Monster Mash Dash 6:00-8:00 PM (This is our biggest fundraiser of the year)

Wednesday, October 31: Halloween Costume Parade Grades 1-4 at 3:15 PM

  • The Halloween Costume Parade will be at 3:15 PM on Halloween Day for grades 1-4
  • Weather permitting, we will parade around the outside the building (inside for bad weather)
  • Students may be checked out for dismissal following the parade
  • Kindergarten Students will have a separate parade in the AM (teachers will share more information)
  • Please no blood, gore, or weapons with costumes!

  • Don’t forget to stop by our Bake Sale October 17 & 18 during conferences. If you would like to donate items for the bake sale please sign up on the link provided below. Please drop off all donated bake goods to the office on October 16 or the morning of the 17.
  • Friday is the last day to send in your BOX TOPS! The class that collects the most will earn a pizza party! Please label all baggies with the teachers name. Mrs. Benson’s class has collected the most so far.
  • Monster Mash Dash- Friday, October 26 6:00-8:00 p..m
  • Please register your child for our Monster Mash Dash and start collecting donations. Visit to register. Please help your child reach the individual student goal of $40. That’s just four $10 pledges! Our total school goal is $15,000. Students who raise donations by October 24 will receive a free wristband to our monster mash dash. $10 wristbands will be sold at the event for all Non-Buchanan Student attendees. 
  • Decorate a pumpkin to be raffled off at our event (NO carved pumpkins please). Drop off in the front office by the end of the school day on Thursday, October 25. Raffle ticket will be for sale at the event. 

Did you know that every child will receive a Reading Proficiency Report this week?  On Monday, students will bring home a report that shares their reading scores for Fountas & Pinnell and the iReady assessment. This report will help parents to understand where students are performing in the area of reading. Those students who are reading significantly below grade level will receive an IRIP (Individualized Reading Improvement Plan) at conferences. Also during parent teacher conferences, parents will receive an iReady parent report for math. We look forward to seeing you during conferences.  Great things are happening at Buchanan! 

Friday, October 5, 2018


Hi folks, Jon Wennstrom here! Last week, my wife celebrated a milestone birthday and I did something I rarely do...I took time off work for it. I often pride myself on not missing work and keeping excellent attendance.  However, that has often resulted in missing family events and functions.  I always tell my staff "Family First", but I sometimes don't practice what I preach. That's why I thought it was important to take some time off and try to find that elusive work-life balance.  Luckily for me, I don't look at my job as work, but rather a calling. I love what I do and I consider myself lucky to work with teachers, students, and families each day. I'm doubly lucky, because I have a supportive family at home too. So this week, I tried to model what I tell teachers to do and balanced my work and family time. It's something that we all need to work at!


Wednesday, October 17: Students dismissed at 12:10 PM
                                        Parent Teacher Conferences 1:00-4:00 & 5:00-8:00 PM
Thursday, October 18: Students dismissed at 12:10 PM
                                     Parent Teacher Conferences 1:00-4:00 & 5:00-8:00 PM

Thursday, October 25: Picture Retakes in the morning
                                     PTA Meeting 7:00 PM
Friday, October 26: Monster Mash Dash 6:00-8:00 PM

Kelsey Duff - First Grade Teacher

I am beyond happy to be returning back to Buchanan this school year! This is my 8th year teaching in Livonia and my second year teaching first grade. I have spent my entire educational career in Livonia, from starting kindergarten at Johnson Elementary School through earning my master's degree at Madonna University. I have had 5 great years teaching at Coolidge Elementary in the second grade and though I was sad to leave that community, it has been wonderful being able to work with some old friends. When I am not in school this time of year, you can find me playing in the yard, watching football on the weekends with Mr. Duff or checking out the latest hot spot in Detroit.

The goal that I have set for myself this year is to connect with as many Buchanan families as I can. It has been 6 years since I last worked at here and the faces and families I remember, have mostly moved onto their next schools. If you see me around, please be sure to say "Hello".

Three words I would use to describe Buchanan: Supportive, Motivated, Energetic

  • We are having a Bake Sale October 17 & 18 during conferences. If you would like to donate items for the bake sale please sign up on the link provided below. 

  • Don’t forget to send in your box tops by October 20th! The class that collects the most will earn a pizza party! Please label all baggies with the teachers name. Mrs. McGuigan’s class is in the lead. 
  • Monster Mash Dash.  Friday, October 26 6:00-8:00.
  • Please register your child for our Monster Mash Dash and start collecting donations. Visit to register. The class that has the most students registered by October 12 wins a cider and donuts party. 
Please check out the video below for our PTA Reflections Competition! 

Did you know that Parent Teacher Conferences are coming up soon? Each classroom teacher has a sign up genius for families to sign up for a slot. If you have not received the link, please contact your child's teacher as soon as possible. We look forward to seeing all our families during conferences and continue our partnership with our community. Great things are happening at Buchanan!