Thursday, January 10, 2019

One Word

Hi folks, Jon Wennstrom here! As we returned to school, I shared with the students and staff that I had chosen "One Word" that would be my focus for the new year and help keep me on track for self-improvement. My word was light and would serve as my reminder to keep things positive and help bright positivity to those around me. I then shared many more words for self-improvement that I had seen from educators across the country. We ended our Monday assembly with a challenge to all students to find their own one word to help them improve this year. Whether you have resolutions or a one word focus, I wish all our Buchanan families the best as we start this new year together!

  • Monday, January 21: No School for MLK Jr. Day
  • Thursday, January 24: PTA Meeting in the Library 7:00 PM (All families welcome)
  • Tuesday, January 29: Skate Night at Riverside Arena 6:00-8:00 PM
Attention All Families:  Needed - Gently worn tennis shoes

If you happen to have a pair of shoes that have been outgrown and are not in bad shape,
please consider donating them to my PE spare box?  These shoes would be available to 
anyone that has forgotten their gym shoes and could be borrowed so that they do not have
to miss PE class sitting on the wall.  Shoes would only be borrowed if the student has socks and
of course it is their choice whether to borrow them or not.  We have done this at other schools and
it has proven very successful!!  I am trying to get a variety of sizes.  
Thank you so much for your help! - Denise Berg-Grant

  • Next PTA meeting will be held on January 24 at 7 p.m. in the Library. Child care is provided. We hope to see you there.
  • The PTA is looking for individuals to join the board for the 2019/2020 school year. Help fundraise, plan activities, and make Buchanan a fun place to learn. Nomination forms will be sent home soon. For more information please email 
  • Family Fun Night January 21 from 5-8 p.m.  at  Dave & Busters. Come play games and enjoy a night with your fellow Buchanan Bears 
  • Family Fun Night Tuesday, January 29 from 6-8 at  Riverside Arena. We hope to see our Buchanan families for a fun night of skating.


Did you know that we work at "catching kids being good" in the lunchroom? In addition to being able to earn positive behavior tickets in the lunchroom, we look for groups doing an excellent job to be photographed and featured on our Positive Lunchroom Board in the hallway! It's just another way that we focus on the positive at our school. Great things are happening at Buchanan!