Friday, November 8, 2019

Winter is here!

Hi folks, Jon Wennstrom here! I'm sure you've realized already, but winter is here!!  As much as I love living in Michigan, it's always a shock when I see the first snowfall. Now that the colder weather is upon us, please remember to make sure that students have all the appropriate winter gear including boots, warm coats, hats and gloves.  Students go outside each day as long as it's not raining and if it's above 15 degrees (with the windchill). If you need assistance with any of these items, please contact me in the office and we will be happy to help!  We want all our students to enjoy all four seasons that Michigan has to offer!


Thursday, November 14: PTA Meeting 7:00 PM (all families invited)
Friday, November 15: Pizza Party with the Principal for the top PTA fundraisers

Monday, November 25: Students of the Month Assembly (Responsibility)
Wednesday, November 27 - Friday, November 29: No School for Thanksgiving Break!

Friday, December 6: No School for Students (Records Day)
Thursday, December 12: Winter Music Concert for Grades 3&4 6:00-8:00 PM
Friday, December 13: Report Cards go home

  • MSU/U of M Change War Challenge! From November 4 through November 15, we will be holding a change war to raise money for the library. There will be a container for MSU and a container for U of M set up outside the front office. Add silver change and paper money to the container of the team you support to increase that team's total, and put pennies in the container of the other team to subtract from its total. So, the rules are: silver and paper add, and pennies subtract!
  • Spirit Week of Giving: During the second week of the change war, Buchanan will also be collecting canned goods and boxed items for the Livonia Goodfellows. In an effort to have fun while doing good, we invite students to participate in the following spirit days:
Monday, November 11 - Hat Day
Tuesday, November 12 - Crazy Hair Day
Wednesday, November 13 - Pajama Day
Thursday, November 14 - Mustache Day
Friday, November 15 - MSU/U of M Day
  • The PTA needs your photos for Buchanan's yearbook! If you have photos from any of our events, your child's classroom activities, or anything else related to Buchanan, please email them to with "yearbook" in the subject line and a brief description of the photos (e.g., "Fun Run," "McGuigan's class," "4th grade field trip," etc.).
  • Calling all artists! Is your child a visual artist, photographer, writer, dancer, musician, or filmmaker? Then you should check out the annual Reflections contest. The theme this year is "Look Within." Entries are due to Buchanan by Monday, November 11. Please see the flyer attached to Mr. Wennstrom's email for more information. If you would like more information or an entry form, please email
  • Mark your calendars! Our next PTA meeting will be Thursday, November 14 at 7:00pm in the LMC.


Did you know that our "Change War" has begun at Buchanan? Students can put money into the collection jars for their favorite team! All the money collected will go to our Buchanan Library. Great things are happening at Buchanan!