Sunday, May 17, 2020

One Storm, Many Boats

Hi folks, Jon Wennstrom here! Recently, I heard the saying, "We are not all in the same boat, but we are all in the same storm". I thought this was very descriptive of our current situation. We are all dealing with the impact of not being able to finish the school year in the building, but we all have our unique circumstances at home. Some are more adept at working with technology than others. Some are in a better financial situation than others. Some are dealing with health issues, while others may be healthy. Some have younger children navigating distance learning and others have seniors missing graduation. Knowing that everyone has a unique story, I continue to urge patience and kindness as we help and support one another through this situation. We may be in different boats, but we can all weather the storm together!

There will be no class meetings or assignments posted on Monday, May 25 in observance of Memorial Day 

  • A reminder to 4th grade families! The PTA would like to honor our 4th grade Buchanan Bears with a tribute video. Please email one photo of your child from kindergarten and one from 4th grade. Also, include your child’s full name. These photos will be compiled to make a video that will be posted on Buchanan’s School and PTA Facebook pages. Please email all photos to by May 29th.
  • Below is the slate of nominees running for each position for Buchanan's 2020-2021 PTA Board.
President: Valerie Jackson
1st Vice President: Jill Allevato
2nd Vice President: Mary Anne LaCaprara
Treasurer: Amy Owens
Recording Secretary: Marcie Wenzlick
Corresponding Secretary: Kira Crandall and Katie Klann
  • We plan to hold a Virtual PTA meeting on Thursday, June 4 (which is the original date for our final meeting of the year). During this meeting, we will vote in next year's board and vote to approve next year's starting budget. A Zoom invitation will be sent the week of the meeting.


Did you know the "Love and Logic" is offering free webinars for families and staff? I've found this program to be helpful both professionally and personally. This program by Jim Fay is designed to give choices to children, while still offering the structure that adults need to provide. Here is the link if you are interested in participating: Love & LogicGreat things are happening in our Buchanan community!