Friday, October 16, 2020

Buchanan Pride

Hi folks, Jon Wennstrom here! Thanks to the generosity of our PTA, we were able to purchase Buchanan Masks for all of our staff members. The masks look great and it gives us a chance to show off our Buchanan Pride! If we need to wear masks each day, we may as well have fun and look good while we do it:)  I same the same thing to our students. Let's make it a fun activity each day and not just something we have to do. Thanks again PTA for making our team look so good!

Join us on Wednesday, October 21 for our first ever VIRTUAL Curriculum Night

6:00-6:30 PM Kindergarten, First & Second Grade Classrooms
6:30-7:00 PM Third & Fourth Grade Classrooms

This event is for ALL students (Virtual and Face to Face)
Your child's teacher will send out a link for your classroom meeting. 


  • PTA Meeting: Join us on Zoom for our October PTA Meeting on Tuesday, October 20 at 7:00pm. Link below.

Meeting ID: 899 1082 1113
Passcode: 0JgcSW

  • Virtual Book Fair: Our annual Fall Scholastic Book Fair has moved online this year. Our fair will be open from October 19 through November 1Click here to shop!
  • Membership Raffle: Everyone who signs up for a PTA membership on or before Friday, October 30 will be entered into a raffle to win one of two baskets full of Scholastic books! (This includes those who have already signed up for the 2020-2021 school year). Two prizes will be awarded. The cost of a PTA membership is only $7.00 and supports the PTA's efforts on the local, state, and national levels. To become a member and earn an entry into the raffle, please visit our MemberHub store at the following link:
  • Calling all Creative Bears! Reflections is an annual art competition held by the National PTA. Artwork is accepted in the following categories: Dance Choreography, Film Production, Literature, Music Composition, Photography, and Visual Arts. This year, all entries will be submitted virtually. Entries are due Friday, November 13. Please see the flyer attached to Mr. Wennstrom's email for details.
  • Follow the PTA on Facebook: @BuchananElementarySchoolPTA

Lifetouch PICTURE DAY will be Friday, November 6. We will be following our protocols for social distancing during the event. We will have a time after the school day for all our Virtual Students as well. Livonia Virtual families will have the opportunity to do their monthly materials pick up at picture time. 

We are still finalizing our plans for Halloween, but we will have some fun (and socially distanced) activities for our students on Friday, October 30. More information to come next week!