Friday, February 12, 2021

Midwinter Break

 Hi folks, Jon Wennstrom here! It was another great week at Buchanan. February is a short, but busy month with Black History Month, Valentine's Day, Winter Field Day and President's Day. Having our midwinter break makes it go even more quickly! Whether you are staying at home or getting away, we hope all our Buchanan families have a safe and relaxing break. We look forward to seeing the students when classes resume on Wednesday! 

Remember no school Monday and Tuesday! 

Winter Field Day is scheduled for Thursday, February 18 (Weather Pending). I will send out a confirmation notice the day before. Please make sure students have winter gear and are ready for some fun in the snow! Classroom teachers will send out the specific time for each class. 


Box Tops: We are no longer collecting physical Box Tops, but you can still support our school by downloading the Box Tops for Education app and selecting Buchanan Elementary School as your school. Then shop as you normally would and scan your store receipt within 14 days of purchase. The app will identify Box Tops products on your receipt and automatically credit our account!

Other ways you can support the Buchanan PTA:

  • Busch's: Visit and log in to (or create) your *MYWAY account. Then select Cash for Education from the dropdown menu under your name. Select Buchanan Elementary PTA as one of the four organizations you would like to support. 

Yearbooks: If you would like a yearbook for this school year, please place your order at (Yearbook ID: 1643321) by Friday, April 9. 

PTA Membership: Please consider becoming a PTA member! Membership does not require anything from you other than the $7.00 membership fee, but it gives you a voice in decisions affecting our school, staff, and students and shows your support for our school, staff, and students. Purchase your membership here:

Spirit Wear: To purchase Buchanan-branded items, please visit our spirit wear store here: 

Follow the PTA on Facebook: @BuchananElementarySchoolPTA

Contact the PTA via

Next PTA Meeting: Tuesday, March 23

We would like to wish all of our Buchanan Bears a very Happy Valentine's Day on Sunday!