Tuesday, November 21, 2017


Hi folks, Jon Wennstrom here! This week, I wanted to express my gratitude to the wonderful Buchanan Staff and the amazing Parent Community. Through all the transitions this year has brought, the level of support and involvement from everyone has been incredible. I also wanted to share how much I appreciate each and every one of you and how fortunate I feel to be a part of the Buchanan Community. I wish all of you a wonderful Thanksgiving Break and hope you enjoy time with loved ones and family.


Monday, November 27: Student of the Month Assembly for GRIT
                                       PTA General Membership Meeting 7:00 PM in the library
Friday, December 1: No School for Students (Records Day for Teachers)

Friday, December 8: Report Cards go home

Monday, December 11-Friday, December 15: Santa Shop during school
Thursday, December 14: Santa Shop & Santa Claus and 3rd/4th Grade Music Concert 6:00-8:00 PM

Friday, December 22: Winter Break begins after school!

Ms. Haapala - Kindergarten Teacher 

Hello! My name is Melissa Haapala and this is my first year at Buchanan. I’m thrilled to be here! I previously have taught preschool, first grade and kindergarten at Perrinville and Cass. I have an adorable golden retriever named Milo. I’m actually in the process of moving which has definitely been an adventure.

A goal I have this year is to take more pictures. I get so caught up in all the fun moments of kindergarten I forget to stop and document them. I'm so happy to be apart of the Buchanan Bears community and look forward to many more years here!

I would describe Buchanan as inviting, collaborative, innovative, fun, and lively!

  • Next PTA Meeting will be Monday, November 27 at 7:00 PM (Childcare provided)
  • Don't forget to purchase Buchanan spirit wear! Go to buchananspiritwear.com to place your order. You can order throughout the year, but we are offering free shipping until November 20. All items are shipped directly to your home. Spirit wear is a great Christmas gift!
  • Santa Shop is coming! We will need many volunteers to bring classes to the shop, assist in shopping and gift wrapping. Please go to http://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0e44a4ae2ca1f94-santa  if you are able to help. This is a big event and the kids love shopping for their loved ones! We will have a preview on Monday, December 11 for all classes. Set up is tentatively on Friday, December 8, but we do not have a definite delivery date from the company yet.  If the date has to be changed, we will update the sign up genius. There will also be an evening shopping event on Thursday, December 14 from 6:00-7:45 PM. Enjoy shopping, a concert performance by our 3rd and 4th graders and a visit from Santa & Mrs. Claus. Please bring your own camera for a great photo opportunity!
  • Holiday Assistance: It is hard to believe, but the holidays are just around the corner and many families are still facing financial stress at home.  For some, it is minor—others a more pressing burden.  The holidays are an especially difficult time during financial stress—please know I am more than happy to try to help.  If you need any assistance with resources please contact me.  I do not share with staff or anyone in our community information regarding the recipients of such assistance.  Please let me know if we can help you and your family in any way.  My e-mail is kblazek@livoniapublicschools.org or you can reach me at 734-744-2690 ext. 12120. 
    **Please note that if you need assistance with Christmas, I will need to know, no later than Friday, December 8th.
  • When doing your Amazon holiday shopping, don't forget to shop Buchanan's smile page. Amazon donates 0.5% of the purchase price to James Buchanan Elementary PTA. Bookmark the link http://smile.amazon.com/ch/38-2618912 and support us every time you shop.

Did you know that Buchanan does a Holiday Giving Tree each year to help families that need assistance? In order to make it easy and accessible for families to give, we have gone to a Sign Up Genius format. Please click on the link to help a family: Holiday Giving Tree Link  Special thanks to our EST, Kristen Blazek for putting this together. Great things are happening at Buchanan!