Empathy Video
Tuesday, December 5: PTA Skate Night at Riverside Arena 6:00-8:00 PM
Friday, December 8: Report Cards go home
Monday, December 11: Santa Shop Opens at Buchanan!
Thursday, December 14: Santa Shop, Santa Claus, and 3rd/4th Grade Music Concert 6:00-8:00 PM
Friday, December 22: Winter Break begins after school!
Mrs. Taylor - First Grade Teacher
Hello Buchanan Families! My name is Mrs. Taylor and I am a first grade teacher here at Buchanan. This will be my eighth year at Buchanan and my seventh year in first grade. I have also taught grades three and four. Buchanan is like a second home to me. I absolutely love my co-workers and I have been blessed every year with great students and families! When I am not teaching my amazing first graders, I am at home with my husband Mike and our adorable son, Jake. Jake will be two years old in January. Every day Jake is doing something new, which is amazing to witness and be a part of!
A goal I have for this year is to do my best to implement our Community With Character Traits (grit, responsibility, respect...) into my lessons. It's great to see students using and taking on these traits and becoming so mature, caring, and self-aware.
The 5 words I would use to describe Buchanan are: Welcoming, Motivated, Nurturing, Fun, and Compassionate.
Congratulations to our Students of the Month for GRIT!!
- Riverside Skate Night- Tuesday December 5, 6:00-8:00pm
- Dearborn Ham- we are resending flyers home if you would like to order. Order forms are due December 8 and pick up will be December 20. Please make check payable to Buchanan PTA. We are offering-
- 8lbs Half Spiral Ham-$35.00
- 14lbs Whole Spiral Ham-$57.00
- 4.5lbs Spiral Sliced Turkey Breast-$35.00
- Santa Shop is quickly approaching and we are still in need of many volunteers!! Please click on the sign up genius http://www.signupgenius.com/
go/10c0e44a4ae2ca1f94-santa if you are able to help. Without enough volunteers- we are at risk of not being able to offer gift wrapping and class shopping times may have to be cancelled. If you are volunteering during your child's class, please let any of the PTA board members at the event know and we can make arrangements to help your child shop.
- Holiday Assistance: It is hard to believe, but the holidays are just around the corner and many families are still facing financial stress at home. For some, it is minor—others a more pressing burden. The holidays are an especially difficult time during financial stress—please know I am more than happy to try to help. If you need any assistance with resources please contact me. I do not share with staff or anyone in our community information regarding the recipients of such assistance. Please let me know if we can help you and your family in any way. My e-mail is kblazek@livoniapublicschools.org or you can reach me at 734-744-2690 ext. 12120. **Please note that if you need assistance with Christmas, I will need to know, no later than Friday, December 8th.
- When doing your Amazon holiday shopping, don't forget to shop Buchanan's smile page. Amazon donates 0.5% of the purchase price to James Buchanan Elementary PTA. Bookmark the link http://smile.amazon.com/
ch/38-2618912 and support us every time you shop.
- Holiday Giving Tree! In order to make it easy and accessible for families to give, we have gone to a Sign Up Genius format. Please click on the link to help a family: Holiday Giving Tree Link
Did you know that Webster Elementary houses the Alternative
Classrooms for the Academically Talented (ACAT) program? There will be a Parent Information Meeting on Wednesday, December 6, from 6-7 pm at Webster Elementary 32401 Pembroke Livonia 48153. Webster Elementary ACAT program serves the academic needs of
gifted and talented students in our community. Join us to learn if this program
might meet the needs of your youngster. We accept applications to consider
students in kindergarten through 4th grade. You will learn about our
application and selection process, our philosophy and our curriculum. On hand
will be the school principal, Mrs. Lora Boka and the ACAT teacher facilitator,
Mr. David Zyczynski to lead a discussion and answer your questions. Great things are happening in Livonia Public Schools!