Monday, February 24: Students of the Month Assembly (GRIT)
Thursday, March 5: Parent Orientation for NEW Kindergarten families 6:00-7:00 PM
Tuesday, March 10: No School for Election Day-PTA Skate Night at Riverside Arena 6:00-8:00
Thursday, March 12: PTA Meeting (all families welcome) 7:00 PM in Library
Friday, March 13: Students dismissed at 12:10 PM (Records Day in the Afternoon)
Saturday, March 14: Pancake Breakfast!!
- DATE CHANGES! The following changes have been made to our calendar:
- The April PTA meeting has been moved from April 16 to April 23.
- Our Annual Spring Fling has been moved from May 29 to June 5.
- The spring Scholastic Book Fair is coming! Our annual Pancake Breakfast will be on Saturday, March 14, and classes will shop March 16 through 19. More information will be sent home soon!
- The PTA needs your photos for Buchanan's yearbook! If you have photos from any of our events, your child's classroom activities, or anything else related to Buchanan, please email them to pta.buchanan1@gmail.com
with "yearbook" in the subject line and a brief description of the photos (e.g., "VIP Dance," "McGuigan's class," "4th grade field trip," etc.).
- The deadline to order yearbooks is March 27, 2020. Visit ybpay.lifetouch.com and use yearbook ID code 1643320 to place your order.
- Still in need of Buchanan spirit wear? Our spirit wear company now offers FREE SHIPPING on orders over $50. Click this link to view Buchanan's spirit wear store: https://www.
- We are still accepting donations of recess equipment. There is a collection box set up in the lobby for donations. Thank you to all who have already donated!
- Please join us at our next PTA meeting: Thursday, March 12 at 7:00pm in the LMC. Childcare will be provided.
Did you know that every Friday, one student from each class gets to come to the office and announce their name and classroom after the morning announcements? Every time a student is caught following our "3 to be" they get a green ticket. Those tickets go into a jar and one person is drawn each week. It's just another way to recognize our amazing students. Great things are happening at Buchanan!