Monday, February 17 & Tuesday, February 18: No School for Midwinter Break!
Monday, February 24: Students of the Month Assembly (GRIT)
Thursday, March 5: Parent Information Night for NEW Kindergarten Families 6:00 PM
- Thank you to all who attended our PTA meeting last week. Mark your calendars for our next meeting: Thursday, March 12 at 7:00pm in the LMC. Childcare will be provided.
- Youth Making a Difference commitment forms are due this Friday, February 21. Youth Making a Difference is a program that encourages and recognizes volunteer efforts by K-12 students. Students who have performed/will perform a service activity this school year, either on their own or with a group, are encouraged to participate in this program. The Livonia PTSA Council will recognize the efforts of these students at the annual Youth Making a Difference Celebration on April 16 at 6:00pm at Churchill.
- DATE CHANGES! The following changes have been made to our calendar:
- The April PTA meeting has been moved from April 16 to April 23.
- Our Annual Spring Fling has been moved from May 29 to June 5.
- Still in need of Buchanan spirit wear? Our spirit wear company now offers FREE SHIPPING on orders over $50. Click this link to view Buchanan's spirit wear store: https://www.
- The deadline to order yearbooks is March 27, 2020. Visit ybpay.lifetouch.com and use yearbook ID code 1643320 to place your order.
- We are still accepting donations of recess equipment. There is a collection box set up in the lobby for donations. Thank you to all who have already donated!
The before school iready club will start back up on Wednesday, February 19! Students will be picked up in vestibule at 8:05 AM
Did you know that two of our Buchanan team members were recognized at the annual PTSA Founders Day banquet? Michelle Adams (2nd grade classroom teacher) and Jennifer Emm (PTA Treasurer) were both recognized for their continuous dedication and service to our school. We are lucky to have such a wonderful team at our building. Great things are happening at Buchanan!