Friday, February 23, 2018


Hi folks, Jon Wennstrom here! This month we celebrated our long-standing partnership between school and parents with the annual Founders' Day Banquet. Led by our district PTSA (Parents Teachers Students Association) board members and our superintendent, Andrea Oquist, the ceremony highlighted all the accomplishments that our district has made due to our partners in the PTA. Each unit recognized both staff and parents and even students for the higher levels. Our own Cathy Minor received a "Distinguished Parent" award and I was humbled to receive a "Distinguished Staff" award. To be honest, it's easy to look good when I am surrounded by so many outstanding staff members and parent volunteers. Livonia as a district and Buchanan as a building is very fortunate to have such great partnerships with the PTA. Thank you to all our partners in education!


Wednesday, February 28: Students Dismissed at 12:10 PM / Teacher Training in the afternoon

Thursday, March 1: Mileage Club Begins! 

Friday, March 9: Students Dismissed at 12:10 PM / Records Day for Teachers
Saturday, March 10: PTA Pancake Breakfast and Book Fair Kick Off

Week of March 12: Scholastic Book Fair & Jump Rope for Heart (in PE Classes)
Friday, March 16: Report Cards go home

Mrs. Pisko - Fourth Grade Teacher

Greetings Buchanan Community! My name is Lisa Pisko. Currently, I am one of four, fourth grade teachers!  I have had the honor and privilege to be on staff member at Buchanan for almost 10 years.  For most of my time at Buchanan, I have taught fourth grade.  You many not know this, but, I have also taught second and third grade as well.  When I miss working with younger students, one of my favorite things to do on a rainy day is walk down to our lower elementary rooms and socialize with the little ones!   I always invite my fourth graders, and usually have more volunteers than I can take with me.  Parents may not believe this, but our older students love seeing their younger siblings at school!  For me, the interaction is priceless!  Buchanan has changed a lot over the years, but Buchanan's community has been a constant positive force in my life.  

I have worked at two other Livonia Public Schools.  When I was first hired by Livonia, I taught at Garfield Elementary. While at Garfield I had a multiage classroom.  Having a multiage classroom really teaches you how to look at students as individuals to meet their needs.  After a couple of years, an opportunity presented itself to teach second grade at Roosevelt, so I took this opportunity and moved.  Later, Livonia consolidated and our Roosevelt staff was merged with Buchanan, and the rest is history!

Something that students know about me that parents may not know, is that I taught for six years in Detroit.  I could write a book of stories that I love sharing with my class when a "Teaching Moment" presents itself.  Working in Detroit was an incredible experience where I made many friends life long friends.  Just before coming to the suburbs of Livonia, I worked in what was then a rural part of Michigan, Carleton.  That too was an amazing experience as it differed significantly from the urban setting of Detroit.  As I reflect as a teacher, I feel incredibly fortunate, and blessed, to have had such diverse teaching experiences!

My personal life too is diverse and multifaceted. I am so proud of my two amazing children Nick & Lexie, both of which are newly married!  Nick & Chelsea were married a couple of years ago, and Lexie & Mason were just married last summer.  I am remarried to a wonderful Haitian man, Nelson.  We met in the Dominican Republic.  My husband speaks Creole, French, Italian and Spanish fluently! ( I am so jealous!)  Finally, just recently my husband became a United States citizen!  I'll never forget that he cried because he was so proud to be an American.  My favorite after school activity is spending time with my family!  My husband and I love cooking, and passing on the tradition of cooking and eating together!  I love to cook Mexican and he cooks Haitian! ( the rice dishes are yummy!)   I believe that we make our own happiness and I find mine with my family, friend and students! 

A goal I have every single year is to make fourth grade the best it can be for students and their families.  I am always striving to create that perfect balance of meeting curriculum expectations, and keeping children and their families happy.

My words that describe Buchanan and the community are accepting of diversity, loving, kind and hard working!

  • Please keep sending Box Tops in! Our final submission for the year is March 1. The class that brings in the most tops will win a pizza party from the PTA!
  • Nomination forms for next year's executive board are being accepted, all positions are open. Please fill out the form and return to school if you are interested. Any questions, please contact Nikki Watson at
  • Moms Night Out/ Make and Take party will be Wednesday March 21, 6:00-8:00pm. Light snacks and refreshments will be served. RSVP with selections and money are due March 6. A separate email was sent with the sign up form and choice of sayings, if you have any questions, please contact Nikki Watson at

Did you know that Livonia has the largest PTA unit in the state of Michigan? Livonia has had a long and proud partnership between the PTA and our school district. We are recognized across the state as leaders in school-parent partnerships and that's something to be proud of! Great things are happening in Livonia and at Buchanan!